Add an Event


Efficiently share the important care information and events of the day between caregivers and parents to seamlessly transition care from one to the other and to share all the fun and learning in your program.

Who can add an event

Both caregivers and parents can add events. We encourage caregivers to ask parents to take part in sharing events that would be helpful for the transition of care (e.g. prior night's sleep, last diaper changed, last bottle fed) so they can take it from there!

How to add an event

  1. Select a child on the home screen

  2. Press "Add an Event" from the quick action bar at the top or the plus button under the child's name

  3. Choose the type of event

  4. Modify the children that will be tagged in the event (recorded on their profiles) by pressing their profile icons. The children on the top line will be in the event and the children on the second line will not be recorded in the event.

  5. Modify the date and time to reflect the appropriate time of occurrence.

  6. Optional: add a comment that can better describe anything of note for the receiving party to know (e.g. Sleep - "Ethan woke up earlier than planned as one of our friends had trouble sleeping").

What are the different types of events

Type of event

What can be logged


  • Date of event

  • Sleep start

  • Sleep end time

  • Optional: Comments

Once a sleep event is started, it will appear on the child's profile and can be ended by pressing the stop button on the profile screen. Users can also edit a record, adjusting the start and end time. This total time between the start and end time is used to populate the Graphs & Charts.


  • Date and time served

  • The description of the food served

  • The category of meal: Breakfast, Lunch, Snack or Dinner

  • The amount consumed: All, Most, Some or None

  • Optional: Comments


  • Type of liquid offered: Formula, Breastmilk or Milk

  • The quantity offered

  • The quantity consumed

  • Optional: Comments

The quantity consumed is used to populate the Graphs & Charts.


  • Date and time changed

  • Type of change: Wet, BM (Bowel Movement), Wet + BM, or Dry

  • Optional: Comments


  • Date and time

  • Type of event: Pee, BM, Tried or Accident

  • Optional: Comments


  • Date and time

  • First side (left or right)

  • Amount of time per side

  • Check box to indicate if it was a pumping session


  • Date and time

  • Description

  • Optional: photo

Note: this is a perfect place for caregivers to indicate an activity that was done that day and add on a photo to show the child immersed in a rich learning environment.

The photo will be added both on the child's profile and on the Photos tab.


  • Date and time

  • Select domain (from drop down)

  • Select skills (from drop down, populated from the selected domain)

  • Description

  • Optional: Photo