Record Attendance


Attendance records are an important part of a child care provider's record-keeping, and with the Rayz Kidz app, it can be maintained safely and efficiently.

How to record a check in

  • From the Home screen, select "Check In/ Out" from the quick action bar or navigate to Menu bar, then "Attendance"

  • Press "Add a Record"

  • Select the child or children to check in

  • Select the start time

  • Determine if there is an applicable end time (e.g. recording a prior attendance record), if so turn on the "Check Out" toggle and select the time

  • Add a comment (optional)

How to record a check out

  • For current active check in events, a check in bar will appear on the child's profile. To record the check out time:

    • Press the stop button on the child's profile on the "Checked In" bar and it will record check out at the time pressed.

    • Or press the "Check In/ Out" quick action button or the "Attendance" tab of the menu bar and press "Check Out".

  • The record can then be edited for the correct times, if not the same times as when the stop or "check out" buttons were pressed.

Who can record attendance

  • All parents and caregivers can create a check in record or check out record

  • Each check in and check out record are denoted with the name of the person who performed the record entry in the platform

When can attendance be recorded

  • It can be recorded for any current or past events

  • Records can be edited as needed