Today's Notes


Our Today's Notes section is a perfect place for caregivers and parents to share information back and forth that may not need be permanent in nature. Recording it here will make drop offs/pick ups much more efficient and a reliable way of making sure the information is communicated.

Types of information to share

From parent to caregiver, these could be:

  • Baby's feeding and nap schedule for the day

  • Notes about the child's temperament

  • Requests (e.g. breastmilk to be consumed before the formula)

  • Changes in routines (e.g. didn't sleep well last night, likely will need nap time instead of just quiet time today)

From caregiver to parent, these could be:

  • Notes about the child's day (e.g. Maddie really enjoyed playing with the mud kitchen with Kaia today)

  • Notes about the child's temperament (e.g. Maddie had a little trouble transitioning this morning but was in a great mood a few minutes after drop off)

How to use the Today's Notes section

  • The section is an open, shared text box for all parents and caregivers on the family's account, meaning any notes input by the parent will be seen by the caregiver and vice versa.*

  • The text box clears at midnight and refreshes the following day. The information is not stored. If you'd like the information to stay for the next day, it can be pinned to the child's profile and will remain with populated content until it is unpinned. The pin is "on" if it is blue.

*Note: If it's important to distinguish who wrote which part, we suggested denoting with initials.

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